Stoa Digest #03: A crisis at 25 is regular
Midlife crisis at 25? That's not the end of the world.
Highlight of the Week
Les Quizerables Edition 02
If you know anything about Les Quiz, it's that it's usually the perfect blend of competition, intrigue, teamwork and excitement. This Friday we held our second edition of the Les Quizerables, and it was quite the competition to have witnessed, as well as been a part of.
Our winners for this edition are:
Shriman, Srinidy, Nikhil Tandon, Vaishak Gowda & Rengarajan
Let’s Rewind: Last Week at Stoa 📆
Journey to Spenny
Rathin Shah, co-founder of Spenny came and had possibly one of our favourite Storytelling Townhall sessions so far. The man really went from a mid-life crisis to stand-up comedian and part-time tabla artiste to full time founder in a rather short amount of time.
Unfortunately, the conversation was SO candid, that we didn't record this session. Suffice it to say, Singapore changed his life. If you're looking for a similar version of this conversation though, you can find it here.
He also tipped his hat at a company one of our fellows works at - who remembers which one this was?
Public Workshop - Writing Online to Build Your Personal Brand
We had a Public Stoa workshop on Writing Online for your Personal Brand with Stoa Alumnus Tanvi Raut Dessai - Creator of FilterCoffee, Vaibhav Domkundwar - Founder & CEO of Better Capital & Bhanu Harish Gurram - Co-founder of FinShots on the panel.
Rakshit made us these absolutely gorgeous looking notes from it.
If you’d like to watch it, find it here.
Announcements 📢
You remember UniMarker, yeah?
For those of you that don’t know - UniMarker is the bookmarking bot Akshay built us for our server, so you don't have to keep missing content. He launched it on Twitter as well, this week, so now you never have to miss a Tweet/thread either.
Show him some love here.
Cohort 3’s Inaugural is coming up!!!
If you haven’t yet found out who our guest is, click here. 👀😏
Glow Ups ✨
🤩 WintWealth(where Ankit just so happens to be a member of the Founder's office) had a massive win of having all subscriptions to their Wint Gold Jun21 asset being filled in, in less than an hour.
For context: Their first one took a couple weeks, the last one 4 days, and this one 45 damn minutes. 👀📈 🤩
🥳 Monica has moved to a new role, and is now a Project Manager at Oriserve!! 🥳
Community Buzz 🐝

If you, like Kunika are looking for case study sources, you can use Dilip's recommendation here. 🤓 📑
Kunika says she's using this for a fun project, so we're going to have to wait and see.Kunika & Srinidy are building out some no-code things, separately - better keep your eyes fixed on them!! 👀👷🏻
If you're looking for a list of a lot of the fellows of Stoa on Twitter, Henil preempted this possibility for you.
Mayank’s curating a Stoa directory for himself & you so he can plug knowing all of you everywhere, fill up his form for friendship, thanks!!
Pratyush really hit the nail on the head with this response.
Fellows Rocket 🚀Shipping⛴ content
It takes serious planning & commitment to keep going on any social medium with your content - here's some fellows doing it, that you can support.
On Linked-In:
Sameer's looking for support for a friend whose really doing noble work in Bangalore.
Purvi’s been killing it, here she wrote about the Personal Brand workshop.
For Stoans by Stoans ✍🏼📚⏯
Books 📚
Sameer has a recommendation for you here.
Watchtime 🎥
Blogs & Resources:
Blake Emal's Float is finally here for you to up your Twitter game.
Weekend Binges
Amit's recommendation of "Another Round" has got too many "thumbs up" to not be up here this week.
He also gave quite the shining recommendation for Capernaum.
Meme Wars 🥲
The mememakers have been busy/hibernating this week, so it was quite a tough call crowning a champion, but
This week’s shiny new winner of Best Meme goes to …………
👑Ishaan Kohli 👑-
To end, we’ll leave you with this:
H/T: Shonik
See you next Monday!
Keep reacting, keep sharing, keep posting, keep learning!
Hey, the digest is getting better and better. Fabulous work with the sections for “watchtime”, “books” and “blogs” 😀👍🏽