Stoa Digest #79: 🦋 Fresh Start 🦋
Time to go back to the drawing board, and create a masterpiece.
Happy New Year, Stoans and friends of Stoa!
2023 is here and yet I feel like 2020 was just a few months ago. The last few years felt like a quick burst of chaos.
I remember NYE 2019, full of hope and excitement for 2020, there were new adventures planned but everything went out the window in a few months. Then came 2021 and 2022, thinking ahead during the start of those years felt painful. If you planned something, the world responded with “eff your planning.”, and so we endured.
But now it's 2023, and once again there are things to look forward to (optimistically).
I’m not one for resolutions and I won’t give you tips on how to stick to one, but I do believe in listing things that I want to experience, see, and enable over the next 12 months. This really isn’t an exercise in grandeur, but to recognize that sometimes the greatest joy comes from the smallest places, and the grandest things can let you down.
It doesn’t matter how significant or insignificant others might say these things are, all that matters is that it's important to you.
Looking forward to seeing the new Spiderverse movie, awesome! Want to wake up 30 mins earlier than you normally do, great! Plan to clear the Stoa Charter, best of luck! Want to feel snowfall for the first time, make it happen! Dye your hair red? GO FOR IT!
The next 12 months are unwritten and you hold the pen.
So.. what's the story you’re going to write for yourself?
Yours Truly,
🎯 Milestones 🎯
We are a solid community of 850 Stoans with 10 Cohorts and growing.
60+ Stoans have been placed in their dream companies.
We are growing stronger & sharper every day (only if you are reading prompts XD)
Here’s to you all for making 2022 a highlight for us and for the Stoaverse.🫡
P.S~ Do check out your Stoa community calendar for the upcoming events and sessions.
Chalo shuru karte hai 2023!